competition teams

Bethany’s competition teams cultivate excellence, commitment, and passion. Each dancer’s talents form the foundation for a well-rounded team. We develop perseverance to reach one’s goals and foster camaraderie in a competitive setting.
Mini Comp Team • Petite Comp team • Jr. Comp Team • Sr. Comp Team
These students will be training in a variety of disciplines to be the best dancers they can be.
Criteria to Join Bethany’s Competition Teams
Team auditions will be held Sunday, May 4th Times TBD
Must turn 7 before January 1, 2026, to audition
Class requirements based on teams
Audition requirements based on age below
Single or Double Pirouette (parallel passe & Turned out passed) using correct prep positions
Pas de bourres
Alternating chasses
Tendus front, side, back
Right and left leap
Kick ball change into pirouette
Chaines Turns right and left (at least 4 in a row w/ spotting)
Kicks right front, left front, side, back
Chasse ball change right and left
Splits (either R or L & must show middle)
Double or triple Pirouette (parallel passe & Turned out passe) using correct prep positions
Double coupe turn
Pas de bourres & turning pas de bourres
Pas de bourre turn into double pirouette
Right and left leaps
Chasse step leap, cross side leap
Switch leap
Chaines Turns right and left (at least 4 in a row w/ spotting)
2 sutinu turns R & L
Pique turn, pique turn, double pique turn (R & L)
Kicks, right, left, side back
A l a second turns (either R or L)
During auditions, students will learn a small combination designed to challenge their ability to quickly pick up and retain choreography—an essential skill for competition dances. This combination will be taught and then performed in small groups, allowing the panel to assess how effectively students can adapt to learning larger sections of choreography in a short period. This performance will be scored and serve as the final step in the audition process.

class requirements based on teams
• 1 hour ballet class
• 45 minute jazz technique class
• 45 minute jazz choreography class
• 45 minute leaps, turns, jumps tech class
• 1 hour ballet class
• 45 minute jazz technique class
• 45 minute lyrical technique class
• 45 minute jazz choreography class
• 45 minute lyrical choreography class
• 45 minute leaps, turns, jumps, tech class
• 1 hour ballet class
• 1 hour leaps, turns, jumps tech class
• 45 minute jazz technique class
• 45 minute lyrical technique class
• 30 minute tap technique class (if competing tap)
• 45 minute jazz choreography class
• 45 minute lyrical choreography class
• 7- 1 hour additional rehearsals if competing tap
Other classes can be added (i.e., hip-hop, modern, contemporary) but are not required for competition team enrollment.